
Profiling can be useful for improving the performance of experiments, either as improvements to the implementation of Shadow itself, or in altering the configuration of the experiments you are running.

Profiling with top/htop

Tools like top and htop will give good first-order approximations for what Shadow is doing. While they can only give system-wide to thread-level granularity, this can often still tell you important details such as whether Shadow, the simulated processes, or the kernel are consuming memory and processor cycles. E.g., if you're running into memory constraints, the RES or MEM column of these tools can tell you where to start looking for ways to address that. If execution time is too long, sorting by CPU or TIME can provide insight into where that time is being spent.

One limitation to note is that Shadow relies on spinlocks in barriers for some of its operation. Especially when running with many threads, these spinlocks will show as consuming most of the CPU anytime the simulation is bottlenecked on few simulated processes. Telling when this is happening can be difficult in these tools, because no symbol information is available.

Profiling with perf

The perf tool is a powerful interface to the Linux kernel's performance counter subsystem. See man perf or the perf wiki for full details on how to use it, but some highlights most relevant to Shadow execution time are given here.

Regardless of how you are using perf, the aforementioned complication of spinlocks in Shadow apply. Namely, when there is any bottleneck on the barrier, the symbols associated with the spinlocks will dominate the sample counts. Improving the performance of the spinlocks will not improve the performance of the experiment, but improving the performance of whatever is causing the bottleneck (likely something towards the top of non-spinlock symbols) can.

perf top

The perf top command will likely be the most practical mode of perf for profiling all parts of a Shadow experiment. It requires one of: root access, appropriately set up Linux capabilities, or a system configured to allow performance monitoring (similar to attaching to processes with gdb), so isn't always available, but is very simple when it is. The interface is similar to top's, but provides information on the granularity of symbols, across the entire system. This means you will be able to tell which specific functions in Shadow, the simulated processes, and the kernel are consuming CPU time.

When perf top can't find symbol information for a process, it will display the offset of the instruction as hex instead. (Note this means it will be ranked by instruction, rather than the entire function.) If you know where the respective executable or shared object file is, you can look up the name of the symbol for that instruction's function by opening the file with gdb and running info symbol [ADDRESS]. If gdb can't find the symbols either, you can look it up manually using readelf -s and finding the symbol with the largest address smaller than the offset you are looking for (note that readelf does not output the symbols in order of address; you can pipe the output to awk '{$1=""; print $0}' | sort to get a sorted list).

Details on more options (e.g., for filtering the sampled CPUs or processes) can be found in man perf top.

perf record

If you know which particular process you wish to profile, perf record can give far greater detail than other options. To use it for Shadow, either run it when starting Shadow:

perf record shadow shadow.config.yaml > shadow.log

Or, attach to a running Shadow process:

perf record -p <PID>

Attaching to a process requires similar permissions as perf top, but can be used to profile any process, including the simulated processes launched by Shadow.

The perf record process will write a file when you press Ctrl-c, or Shadow ends. You can then analyze the report:

perf report

More details are available in man perf record and man perf report.