Continuous integration tests

On GitHub

Our continuous integration tests build and test Shadow on every supported platform and configuration. GitHub runs these tests automatically when making or modifying a pull request, in the build and test workflow. Pull requests without passing integration tests are blocked from merging.

Running locally

We also have scripts for running the continuous integration tests locally, inside Docker containers. This can be useful for debugging and for quickly iterating on a test that's failing in GitHub's test runs.

The script builds shadow inside a Docker image, and runs our tests in it.

By default, the script will attempt to use a Docker image with already shadow built, perform an incremental build on top of that, and then run shadow's tests. If you don't already have a local image, the script will implicitly try to pull from the shadowsim/shadow-ci on dockerhub. You can override this repo with -r or force the script to build a new image locally with -i.

For example, to perform an incremental build and test on ubuntu 18.04, with the gcc compiler in debug mode:

ci/ -c ubuntu:18.04 -C gcc -b debug"

If the tests fail, shadow's build directory, including test outputs, will be copied from the ephemeral Docker container into ci/build.

For additional options, run ci/ -h.

Debugging locally

After a local run fails, you can use Docker to help debug it. If you previously ran the tests without the -i option, re-run with the -i option to rebuild the Docker image(s). If Shadow was built successfully and the failure happened at the testing step, then the Docker image was built and tagged, and you can run an interactive shell in a container built from that image.


docker run --shm-size=1024g --security-opt=seccomp=unconfined -it shadowsim/shadow-ci:ubuntu-22.04-gcc-debug /bin/bash

If the failure happened in the middle of building the Docker image, you can do the same with the last intermediate layer that was built successfully. e.g. given the output:

$ ci/ -i -c ubuntu:22.04 -C gcc -b debug
Step 13/13 : RUN . ci/container_scripts/
 ---> Running in a11c4a554ef8
    516 [ERROR] Non - zero return code from make.

You can start a container from the image where Docker tried (and failed) to run ci/the script was executed with:

docker run --shm-size=1024g --security-opt=seccomp=unconfined -it a11c4a554ef8 /bin/bash