Extra Tests

Shadow includes tests that require additional dependencies, such as Tor, TGen, networkx, obfs4proxy, and golang. These aren't run by default, but are run as part of the CI tests.

To run them locally, first make sure that both tor and tgen are located on your shell's PATH You should also install all of Shadow's optional dependencies.

To run the golang tests you will need to both install golang, and install a dynamic version of the golang standard library. The latter can be done with go install -buildmode=shared -linkshared std.

It is recommended to build Shadow in release mode, otherwise the Tor tests may not complete before the timeout.

./setup build --test --extra
./setup test --extra
# To exclude the TGen and Tor tests (for example if you built Shadow in debug mode)
./setup test --extra -- --label-exclude "tgen|tor"
# To include only the TGen tests
./setup test --extra tgen
# To run a specific TGen test
./setup test --extra tgen-duration-1mbit_300ms-1000streams-shadow

If you change the version of tor located at ~/.local/bin/tor, make sure to re-run ./setup build --test.


rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup +nightly component add miri

# Disable isolation for some tests that use the current time (Instant::now).
# Disable leak-checking for now. Some tests intentionally panic, causing leaks.
export MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-disable-isolation -Zmiri-ignore-leaks"

(cd src && cargo +nightly miri test --workspace)