use std::collections::HashMap;
use nom::{
bytes::complete::{escaped_transform, is_not, tag, take, take_while},
character::complete::{digit1, multispace0, multispace1, space0},
character::{is_alphabetic, is_alphanumeric},
combinator::{self, map_res, recognize, verify},
error::{ErrorKind, FromExternalError, ParseError},
use crate::gml::{Edge, Gml, GmlItem, Node, Value};
pub trait GmlParseError<'a>:
ParseError<&'a str>
+ FromExternalError<&'a str, std::num::ParseIntError>
+ FromExternalError<&'a str, std::num::ParseFloatError>
+ FromExternalError<&'a str, &'a str>
+ std::fmt::Debug
impl<'a, T> GmlParseError<'a> for T where
T: ParseError<&'a str>
+ FromExternalError<&'a str, std::num::ParseIntError>
+ FromExternalError<&'a str, std::num::ParseFloatError>
+ FromExternalError<&'a str, &'a str>
+ std::fmt::Debug
fn take_verify<'a, E: GmlParseError<'a>>(
count: u32,
cond: impl Fn(char) -> bool,
) -> impl Fn(&'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, &'a str, E> {
move |i| verify(take(count), |s: &str| s.chars().all(&cond))(i)
pub fn key<'a, E: GmlParseError<'a>>(input: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, &'a str, E> {
let take_first = take_verify(1, |chr| is_alphabetic(chr as u8) || chr == '_');
let take_remaining = take_while(|chr| is_alphanumeric(chr as u8) || chr == '_');
let (input, key) = recognize(tuple((take_first, take_remaining)))(input)?;
Ok((input, key))
pub fn item<'a, E: GmlParseError<'a>>(input: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, GmlItem<'a>, E> {
match key(input)? {
(input, "node") => node(input).map(|(input, node)| (input, GmlItem::Node(node))),
(input, "edge") => edge(input).map(|(input, edge)| (input, GmlItem::Edge(edge))),
(input, "directed") => {
int_as_bool(input).map(|(input, value)| (input, GmlItem::Directed(value)))
(input, name) => {
value(input).map(|(input, value)| (input, GmlItem::KeyValue((name.into(), value))))
pub fn gml<'a, E: GmlParseError<'a>>(input: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, Gml<'a>, E> {
let (input, _) = multispace0(input)?;
let (input, _) = tag("graph")(input)?;
let (input, _) = space0(input)?;
let (input, _) = tag("[")(input)?;
let (input, _) = newline(input)?;
let (input, (items, _)) = nom::multi::many_till(item, tag("]"))(input)?;
let [nodes, edges, directed, others]: [Vec<_>; 4] = partition(items.into_iter(), |x| match x {
GmlItem::Node(_) => 0,
GmlItem::Edge(_) => 1,
GmlItem::Directed(_) => 2,
GmlItem::KeyValue(_) => 3,
let nodes: Vec<_> = nodes
.map(|x| {
if let GmlItem::Node(x) = x {
} else {
let edges: Vec<_> = edges
.map(|x| {
if let GmlItem::Edge(x) = x {
} else {
let others: Vec<_> = others
.map(|x| {
if let GmlItem::KeyValue(x) = x {
} else {
if directed.len() > 1 {
Err("The 'directed' key must only be specified once"),
let directed = match directed.first() {
Some(GmlItem::Directed(x)) => *x,
Some(_) => panic!(),
None => false,
let expected_len = others.len();
let others: HashMap<_, _> = others.into_iter().collect();
if others.len() != expected_len {
Err("Duplicate keys are not supported"),
let (input, _) = multispace0(input)?;
Gml {
other: others,
fn node<'a, E: GmlParseError<'a>>(input: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, Node<'a>, E> {
let (input, _) = space0(input)?;
let (input, _) = tag("[")(input)?;
let (input, _) = newline(input)?;
let (input, (key_values, _)) = nom::multi::many_till(tuple((key, value)), tag("]"))(input)?;
let expected_len = key_values.len();
let mut key_values: HashMap<_, _> = key_values.into_iter().collect();
if key_values.len() != expected_len {
Err("Duplicate keys are not supported"),
let (input, _) = newline(input)?;
let id = match key_values.remove("id") {
Some(Value::Int(x)) => Some(x as u32),
Some(_) => result_str_to_nom(input, Err("Incorrect 'id' type"), ErrorKind::Fail)?,
None => None,
Ok((input, Node::new(id, key_values)))
fn edge<'a, E: GmlParseError<'a>>(input: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, Edge<'a>, E> {
let (input, _) = space0(input)?;
let (input, _) = tag("[")(input)?;
let (input, _) = newline(input)?;
let (input, (key_values, _)) = nom::multi::many_till(tuple((key, value)), tag("]"))(input)?;
let expected_len = key_values.len();
let mut key_values: HashMap<_, _> = key_values.into_iter().collect();
if key_values.len() != expected_len {
Err("Duplicate keys are not supported"),
let (input, _) = newline(input)?;
let source = match key_values.remove("source") {
Some(Value::Int(x)) => x,
Some(_) => result_str_to_nom(input, Err("Incorrect 'source' type"), ErrorKind::Fail)?,
None => result_str_to_nom(input, Err("'source' doesn't exist"), ErrorKind::NoneOf)?,
let target = match key_values.remove("target") {
Some(Value::Int(x)) => x,
Some(_) => result_str_to_nom(input, Err("Incorrect 'target' type"), ErrorKind::Fail)?,
None => result_str_to_nom(input, Err("'target' doesn't exist"), ErrorKind::NoneOf)?,
Ok((input, Edge::new(source as u32, target as u32, key_values)))
fn value<'a, E: GmlParseError<'a>>(input: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, Value<'a>, E> {
let (input, _) = space0(input)?;
let (input, (value, _)) = nom::branch::alt((
tuple((int, newline)),
tuple((float, newline)),
tuple((string, newline)),
Ok((input, value))
fn int<'a, E: GmlParseError<'a>>(input: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, Value<'a>, E> {
let (input, value) = map_res(recognize(digit1), str::parse)(input)?;
Ok((input, Value::Int(value)))
fn float<'a, E: GmlParseError<'a>>(input: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, Value<'a>, E> {
let (input, value) = map_res(nom::number::complete::recognize_float, str::parse)(input)?;
Ok((input, Value::Float(value)))
fn string<'a, E: GmlParseError<'a>>(input: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, Value<'a>, E> {
let (input, _) = tag("\"")(input)?;
let (input, value) = escaped_transform(
combinator::value("\\", tag("\\")),
combinator::value("\"", tag("\"")),
let (input, _) = tag("\"")(input)?;
Ok((input, Value::Str(value.into())))
fn newline<'a, E: GmlParseError<'a>>(input: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, &'a str, E> {
recognize(tuple((space0, multispace1, space0)))(input)
fn int_to_bool(x: i32) -> Result<bool, &'static str> {
match x {
1 => Ok(true),
0 => Ok(false),
_ => Err("Bool must be 0 or 1"),
fn int_as_bool<'a, E: GmlParseError<'a>>(input: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, bool, E> {
let (input, value) = value(input)?;
let value = match value {
Value::Int(x) => result_str_to_nom(input, int_to_bool(x), ErrorKind::Fail)?,
_ => result_str_to_nom(input, Err("Value was not an integer"), ErrorKind::Fail)?,
Ok((input, value))
fn result_str_to_nom<'a, T, E: GmlParseError<'a>>(
input: &'a str,
result: Result<T, &'a str>,
error_kind: ErrorKind,
) -> Result<T, nom::Err<E>> {
result.map_err(|e| nom::Err::Failure(E::from_external_error(input, error_kind, e)))
fn partition<I, B, F, const N: usize>(iter: I, f: F) -> [B; N]
I: Iterator + Sized,
B: Default + Extend<I::Item>,
[B; N]: Default,
F: FnMut(&I::Item) -> usize,
fn extend<'a, T, B: Extend<T>, const N: usize>(
mut f: impl FnMut(&T) -> usize + 'a,
collections: &'a mut [B; N],
) -> impl FnMut((), T) + 'a {
move |(), x| {
let mut collections: [B; N] = Default::default();
iter.fold((), extend(f, &mut collections));